An RMIT Redacts show, The Drowsy Chaperone was pretty simple. It needed a free standing door, the couch from ISTM reskinned, and the block from Heathers planted on wheels and painted different things. Oh and it needed a walk through refrigerator.
All of the pictures here are from before completion.
This is an Oven on one side and a Pedestal on the other. You can also see some of the set of drawers which are on one side.

I made a 5 sided box out of plywood, and glued a sheet of formply to the bottom in order to get a smooth surface to be more fridgey. I then cut around it evenly with a circular saw to make a fitting lid. in the end though the weight of the door was a bit too much for the 4 sided box of plywood and I ended up putting a wheel on the door to take some weight and prevent sag
I also remade a door from a previous show to be a standalone piece. It was a bit of a SNAFU as all the wood was warped and I was trying to make a doorway, but in the end it worked out ok

Finally here's the reupholstered couch.